Web applications

At ScavaSoft, we focus on converging technology, innovation and sound planning in order to deliver the best possible results for you or your clients.

From the raw idea to the marvellous result

Utilizing the latest web standard, established design practices and agile development methodologies (SCRUM, KanBan), we strive for perfection at every step of the development process.

Our backend developers can take PHP (the programming language) and Yii (the framework) to create amazing products powered by RESTful APIs, oAuth2 authentication, secured using industry standard TLS and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) mechanisms.

Our frontend developers use Angular on a daily basis to create dynamic, structured and reusable UI components and Angular modules. Of course, we don’t forget our old friend jQuery and use it whenever necessary to integrate various jQuery plugins with an existing or legacy system.

With vast experience in many different industries, our team’s top priority is making sure the web applications we deliver are:

  • Secure, by thorough QA process by an experienced, in-house Quality assurance team
  • Scalable, by making sure apps are deployable to AWS, Google Cloud or a self-hosted Docker based environment
  • Modern, using Material Design recommendations, Microservices-based architecture, Redux, Angular, Serverless infrastructure
  • And Intuitive to your end users

Every frontend and backend project follows strict code style and OOP rules, stimulating clean and well documented code, covered by unit and functional tests (Jasmine, PHPUnit, CodeCeption). This is enforced mainly by continuous self-monitoring, team-level code reviews, peer programming sessions and automated tools (TsLint for JS, JsLint for TypeScript, Husky for enforcing Conventional Commit practices).

Tech stack and tools

PHP, PHP Frameworks, Relational Databases, SQL/NoSQL, Ruby, Redis, MongoDB, DynamoDB, NodeJS, HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Redux, React, Media processing, Serverless approach, Docker/Containerization, Microservices architecture, Cloud storage & computing, Jira, Trello, AWS, Google Cloud

Tell us about your needs

We deliver services beyond listed!

Checkout our work

From back end to front end. From on-premise to cloud. From monolithic to microservices. Covering industries like E-Learning platforms, Health Care, Real Estate and Financial Services. Using modern and best-in-class technologies.