
We advice the best solution for your IT needs, giving a professional opinion on different technical approaches, guiding you through the sea of various technologies, taking the burden of IT technicalities and complexity off your shoulders and let you run your core business.

We all need help or advice once in a while

Technologies evolve very quickly, new libraries and tools emerge from the digital ocean every day, your yesterday’s knowledge and skills get outdated. The decisions you take today may affect your company for years ahead.

Yet, web and mobile development, cloud computing, online presence, are probably not the core of your business, but you need them nonetheless for various reasons? If that is the case, you can’t (and shouldn’t) stay up-to-date and completely aligned with them. You’ve got more important things to do – innovate and improve your core product, manage the production, marketing and sales.

Our expertise includes (but is not limited to):

  • Research, analyze and assess current or incoming solutions, how good or bad they are, how to improve or avoid future problems
  • Select cloud based solutions that fits perfectly in your business model
  • Help migrating from on-premise to cloud (servers, data, communications)
  • Choosing best database vendor and storage according to your specific needs and budget

Our professionals are specialised and carry deep knowledge about modern programming languages, tools and libraries, cloud solutions offered by Amazon, Google and Microsoft, Web Development, Content Management, House-Style Development & Implementation, Usability, Corporate Identity, Responsive Design, SEO, SEA, Web Statistics & Analytics, Email Marketing, Social Media, Front Office & Third-party Integration and Web Services.

Tell us about your needs

We deliver services beyond listed!

Checkout our work

From back end to front end. From on-premise to cloud. From monolithic to microservices. Covering industries like E-Learning platforms, Health Care, Real Estate and Financial Services. Using modern and best-in-class technologies.